Genealogy of Afisian Refugees

Genealogy of Afisian Refugees

Genealogy of Afisian Refugees The treasure of a museum is not only the old objects left behind by previous generations of people. For us, the real treasure of our Museum is all those who were born and walked in the lands of the old homeland of Avsa Adasi, a small...
Oral Tradition Archive

Oral Tradition Archive

Oral Tradition Archive In the room “Sarti – Nea Afisia” we gather all the daily life, the evolution and the history of our place that changes daily. We try to give the opportunity to the next generations to be able to find a place where they will...
Archives & Collections from Sarti

Archives & Collections from Sarti

Archives & Collections of Sarti (Nea Afisia) In the room “Sarti – Nea Afisia” we gather all the daily life, the evolution and the history of our place that changes daily. We try to give the opportunity to the next generations to be able to find a...
Sarti (New Afisia)

Sarti (New Afisia)

Μια ξεχασμένη αρχαία Ελληνική πόλη που αναγεννήθηκε μετά από την έλευση των Αφησιανών Προσφύγων.

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